Hello, I'm Linh
Full-Stack Developer

I like to build amazing UI/UX experiences

Contact Me


Crypto Tracker

This is a crypto currency tracker app that I built with React. It uses the CoinGecko API to fetch the data. I used React Hooks and Context API to manage the state of the app.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Firebase
  • React Hooks


This is an e-commerce app that I built with Next.js. It uses the Stripe API to process payments, include modern design and animations, the ability to add and edit products on the go using a Sanity.

  • React
  • Stripe
  • NextJs
  • Sanity

Movie App

This is a movie app that I built with React,Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and NextJs. It uses the TMDB API to fetch the data. The data is fetched from The Movie DB Api.

  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript

This Website

This is my personal website that I built with React, Next JS, and deployed on Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites, APIs, and serverless functions, developed by Vercel Inc.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • NextJS

Bob's A Wuss

Bob's a Wuss - an endless runner build with pure javascript, HTML5 Canvas for rendering and React to handle the UI.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5

Food Delivery

This is a full stack food delivery application using Reactjs, Firebase, Framer motion, Tailwind css, allow users to add new items and maintain over firestore cloud database.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Firebase
  • Tailwind CSS


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experiece with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma

About Me

My name is Linh and I'm passionate Full Stack Developer using technologies to build amazing products and focusing on solving problems for different niches and different industries using the power of technology.

I will love to hear from you. Whether it's a project, job opportunity, or just a chat. Feel free to contact me.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


Longest Streak


Github Contributions

Innovating one project at a time